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Practical Guide to Rectifying Business Strategy Deviations: An Actionable Three-Phase Method

By September 16, 2024Developer Insights

In the dynamic and competitive business landscape, aligning technology and strategic planning is pivotal for driving organizational success. All too often, companies grapple with a disconnect between their technological prowess and business goals. To resolve this, a comprehensive understanding of the business challenges and the deployment of appropriate technological solutions is mandatory.

This can be achieved through a meticulous evaluation of the company’s present standing, pinpointing the areas that need enhancement, and formulating a strategic blueprint to steer future advancements.

This strategic blueprint should be flexible and adaptable, regularly updated and fine-tuned in response to new insights, shifts in the business environment, and the attainment of crucial milestones. 

Addressing Deviations in Business Strategy: A Three-Phase Approach


1. Determining the cause of drifts

The initial phase in this process involves pinpointing and comprehending the causes of any deviations from the organization’s intended path. These deviations, also known as ‘drifts’, may arise due to numerous factors such as unclear planning, unexpected challenges, personnel changes, market shifts, or new opportunities. It’s critical to understand the reasons behind these drifts to ascertain if they are tolerable or if a novel strategy is required to realign the organization with its initial plan, or to adjust the original plan to the realities of the reasons for drift. 

2. Understanding the measurable implications

Once the drift causes are determined, the subsequent phase is to comprehend the implications of these deviations on the organization. This requires defining the business value of specific activities and gauging it against the organization’s objectives. By distinctly outlining these metrics and delegating responsibility for them, organizations can create a lucid image of their present situation, and the measures required to attain their objectives. 

3. Creating a roadmap towards rectification

The creation of a strategic roadmap is a critical component of this process. It entails delineating the path towards the organization’s goals, identifying smaller, attainable steps along the way. This roadmap functions as a collective communication tool, allowing for contributions from all stakeholders and leading to consensus on priorities and potential impacts. It also illuminates the realities and challenges of the journey, frequently resulting in more queries than solutions and underscoring the necessity for additional investigation. 

Strategic Tools and Approaches for Effective Roadmapping 


To address questions and challenges, organizations can leverage a range of tools. Utilizing assessments or discoveries can aid in understanding current business processes and their technological models. Spikes, or research missions, serve to explore potential technologies and understand their capabilities. Subsequently, proofs of concept are developed to test these technologies and confirm their effectiveness. 

A successful roadmap

The roadmap should be segmented into manageable, actionable steps that can be systematically and methodically tackled. This strategy lowers the risk of inundating the organization with large-scale changes, allowing for a gradual and sustainable pace. A successful roadmap hinges on the use of assessments, spikes, and proofs to gather more information for improved decision-making. These tools help identify potential risks, validate assumptions, and provide a more accurate cost and effort estimate for each roadmap step. 

Reliance on data

Data plays a crucial role in roadmapping, driving decision-making. By consistently checking and validating data, organizations can ensure their decisions are rooted in accurate and reliable information. This data-centric approach also enables agile planning and the capacity to swiftly adjust plans when required. 

Putting process first

It’s crucial to acknowledge that while technology can be a potent enabler for achieving business goals, it’s not always the answer. Sometimes, the cost of implementing new technology surpasses the potential benefits. In such scenarios, it might be more advantageous to concentrate on enhancing existing processes or investigating other non-technology solutions. 


In final analysis, the intertwining of technology and strategic planning is a sophisticated yet essential facet of corporate advancement. Grasping the origins and effects of drift, delineating precise metrics, formulating a strategic blueprint, and deploying the appropriate tools empowers businesses to marry their tech prowess with their aims. This undertaking demands meticulous planning, transparent communication, and the readiness to adapt and grow; however, the returns are substantial. By adopting the right strategy, corporations can leverage technology to propel their mission and realize their goals. Additionally, a meticulously designed, data-driven roadmap can serve as a potent instrument to steer your business towards its strategic targets. By compartmentalizing the roadmap into achievable steps, routinely validating the data, and welcoming modifications to plans as required, businesses can traverse the labyrinth of the corporate landscape and make consistent strides towards their objectives. 

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