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Transform Institutional Knowledge into an Asset with AI

Capture Expertise. Drive Innovation. Secure Legacy.

In a world where knowledge is as crucial as innovation, the departure or bottleneck of seasoned professionals poses a unique challenge to your organization’s continuity and growth. Safeguard the invaluable wisdom amassed over decades by transforming it into your strategic advantage for the future.

01 // Archive & Synthesize

Systematically capture the tacit knowledge of your team through advanced AI techniques, creating an evergreen database.

02 // Search & Retrieve 

Empower your workforce to ‘Google’ decades of in-house expertise, democratizing access to institutional knowledge that guides decision-making and sparks innovation.

03 // Train & Retrain

Prepare your next generation of leaders with AI-cultivated mentorship that bridges gaps, equipping them with wisdom that transcends time.

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Bridge the Gap with Intelligent Solutions

Failure to act risks the erosion of crucial insights and expertise, jeopardizing your organization’s growth trajectory. The decision to innovate is critical—experience the transformative potential of generative AI.

  • Faster Decision-Making: Capitalize on a streamlined intelligence network where AI blends with decades of expertise to enhance your strategic choices and elevate operational efficiency.
  • Empowered, Insightful Leadership: Thrive as a leader with the backing of actionable insights that blend historical success with predictive analytics, ensuring you steer your organization with enhanced foresight and precision.
  • Unwavering Organizational Momentum: Experience a consistent and catalyzed growth trajectory, fortified by AI that aligns with your evolving needs, ensuring lasting success and a competitive edge in your industry.
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Secure Your Future


Empower Your Organization with Shared Intelligence

Secure your organization’s future in the face of changing workforces. Our expertly designed plan ensures that the wisdom of your seasoned professionals is never lost, but instead enhanced with AI technology:

01 Consult & Comprehend

We begin by understanding your unique challenges and identifying critical knowledge gaps within your organization.

02 Transform & Catalog

Utilizing the latest in generative AI, we convert individual and team expertise into a centralized, accessible knowledge base.

03 Embed & Empower

We seamlessly integrate this AI-enhanced knowledge into your processes, enabling a smooth transition of insights throughout your team.

04 Cultivate & Propel

As partners in your growth, we continually refine and evolve our AI tools to secure your cutting-edge status in an ever-changing market.

Case Study

Case Study.

Breaking Bottlenecks and Empowering Teams with AI 


One of VIGILIX’s key experts had become an inadvertent bottleneck due to his extensive institutional knowledge.  With personnel heavily reliant on him for solutions, VIGILIX needed a strategy to disseminate his expertise and foster company-wide self-sufficiency for continued growth.

How Kopis Delivered

The 'Hey Richard' solution by Kopis is a game-changer. It's like having our best expert available 24/7. It eliminated dependencies and empowered our entire team to deliver expert-level support instantly. Kopis didn't just provide a tool; they multiplied our top expert’s capabilities throughout our entire team.

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Rely on the strategic guidance of Kopis to solve your most complicated problems, now and in the future. Book your discovery call.

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